Australia Specific Farming
Please note the recurrence of the name Sonya Begg, a true pioneer of Australian Heliculture. Many hours have been spent tediously documenting this art. I have found her writings un-equivically the best resource on AU culture.
Code of Practice Australian Free-range Snail Farming
This industry Code of Practice (the Code) provides general principles and advice on the
standards for commercial breeding, farming and processing snails in Australia for the
gourmet food trade.
By Sonya Begg
Breeding and Growing Snails Commercially in Australia
This report investigates the feasibility of establishing an economically viable edible snail
industry in Australia. A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
By B. Murphy
Edible Snails– lessons from Italy
This booklet describing possible techniques for production of edible snails has been prepared
following a visit to the International Snail Farming Institute and attendance at an International Conference
of Snail Farmers in Italy.
By Sonya Begg
Free-range snail farming in Australia
A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
by Sonya Begg
Snail farming information service
by Sonya Begg
Around The World
Raising Snails
Compiled by:Rebecca Thompson, Information Centers Branch and
Sheldon Cheney, Reference Section U.S. Department of Agriculture
Snail Farming
Production, processing and marketing
By Dr J.R. Cobbinah
Adri Vink
Ben Onwuka