Thursday, January 19, 2012

Many hands...

I've heard they make lite work so enlisting family/ friends asking them to put snails in a container, placing in some greenery for feed till I can arrange a pickup. I am doing some work for the neighbor today and will ask him to pay me in snails instead of the money he insisted on.

Speaking of collecting if you have plenty of snails that you do not want to kill, consider collecting them for Ronnie.
Who is Ronnie?

Ronnie is a 21 year old Canberra man who loves animals, loves his sport and loves his family.
Ronnie also has a moderate intellectual disability, as well as a life-long history of hospitalisation, injuries and surgeries due to a serious chronic epileptic condition.
Ronnie’s challenges mean that entering regular mainstream employment is not an option for him.
However, having completed his schooling at Canberra’s Black Mountain School, Ronnie’s family was determined to find a sustainable career that would help support his physical, mental and social development and also provide inspiration for others who are trying to help loved ones with special needs.
Breeding and growing snails for the ever-hungry restaurant market (pun intended) proved to be the perfect solution!
Now, Ronnie enjoys taking care of his snails every day, ensuring they have clean homes as well as adequate food and water. He also keeps a close eye on them since they have great escape techniques!

Get involved!

Are you worried about using poisons to control snails in your garden, especially with pets and children around?
Would you like to quickly and humanely rid your garden of snails while helping a worthy social enterprise?
Then get on board with Ronnie’s snail collection program!
All you need to do is collect the snails from your garden (kids might be happy to help with this!) and keep them in a secure container with some small air holes.
Also place some vegetable leaves and a lid filled with water in the container, if they are going to be in there for a few days.
Then contact Ronnie to arrange pick-up or delivery!

Contact Ronnie’s Succulent Snails

6 Kurundi Place, Hawker, ACT 2614
T. 02 6278 5358 M. 0408 971 546 E.

1 comment:

  1. Good post and great effort that Ronnie's making. Wish we had a market in SA which would sell this snails. Btw, the link is not working somehow. Please fix.
